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Why EcoSmart Fire?

Because bioethanol is clean-burning, EcoSmart Fire models do not need a chimney or a flue, or a utility connection – offering the ultimate in design simplicity and flexibility.

Why EcoSmart Fire?

Whether you're creating a custom fireplace feature, renovating an existing fireplace, or looking for an out-of-the-box solution, we have an ethanol fireplace to suit your needs. The EcoSmart Fire collection of ethanol fireplaces is incredibly versatile and gives you absolute design flexibility to create exactly what you want, without any hassles or restrictions.

From hand crafted freestanding pieces of fire furniture, to grates for traditional fireplace conversion, through to firebox inserts for built-in custom designs and burner kits for bespoke settings - EcoSmart Fire offers a complete collection of versatile and award-winning fireplace solutions that make having an open flame incredibly easy - whatever the setting - at the same time as being good for the environment.

Why EcoSmart Fire?

What's inside?

  • Design flexibility
  • Easy to install
  • Dedicated support team
  • Safest fires in the market
  • Built to last
  • ... and more